Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Finally, the last week of school! Reagan had preschool graduation on Friday. She was so excited. She loved her little performance at graduation. She can't wait to go to school with Johnny. Unfortunately, they have half day kindergarten in Utah. One more year before everyone is in school! Alex and Johnny finish this week. I love summer! It gives me a break from homework (Alex).

We talked to Seth on Mother's Day. He is doing well and loves Mexico. It was great to talk to him.

Johnny playing baseball. He can actually hit the ball. Yeah! Reagan loves going to the games so she can find friends. I like the picture of her and some boys trying to break into the snack bar. Imagine that!


bematheson said...

i definitely can't have my kid sounding like she is from Utah..so i guess will cross shaylnn right out haha.

Anonymous said...

The snack bar picture is priceless. They are so cute Dru, I can't believe how fast they are growing up!

bematheson said...

Jack's fever is so random too its wierd, hes been fine playing and fun hes laid down and a few more times than normal but hes been happy just has a big fever its wierd.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dru!

It's good to see you still have good taste in clothes. Addison has the same outfit Reagan does in the pictures! Way cute! It sure is fun to read about you guys!

bematheson said...

I got it from FRIENDS of course my favorite show phoebe changes her name to that in one episode. I can't believe your air went out ya your lucky it wasnt here. Your welcome anytime...

bematheson said...

dude update your blog