Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Utah Style

Here in Utah I have been introduced to the proper way teenagers ask one another to special events, i.e., Prom. When I was a teenager, 25 years ago, your friend would find out who liked you or would accept an invitation then you called and asked them on a date. Oh no… not here! First, Alex apparently trashed some poor girl’s room (Shelby) and somewhere in the mess left a piece of paper inviting her to Junior Prom. Then Shelby and company must answer Alex and in turn trash his room and leave a “yes” sign. Ask me how many pounds of confetti/junk where scattered about the floor. The answer to that would be a whole shopvac full equal to an hour of vacuuming. All in all I guess it was a successful invite and acceptance. The “big” event is next Saturday. I’ll post pictures then. This will be Alex’s first tuxedo appearance. Should prove to be interesting!


Kathryn said...

Come on Dru! Most of the fun of going to the dance is how you ask and answer! Glad Utah is teaching you the "RIGHT" way to do it! :)